In recognition of UofL Faculty Excellence for 2020, Scott R. Whittemore, PhD was honored as the recipient of the University of Louisville School of Medicine’s Career Achievement in Research Award. As a Professor and Vice Chairman for Research within the Department of Neurological Surgery, Dr. Whittemore has a long-standing dedication to the field of medical research – research that is focused on neuroscience, neurotrauma, spinal cord injury, and glial cell biology. He is receiving this acculade because of he’s been a recognized leader in growth-factor directed neurogenesis, resulting directly from the work he did as a postdoc studying growth factors. His focus to the field is exemplified through the breath of published works Dr. Whittemore has produced over the past 18 years. Even today, Dr. Whittemore’s Molecular Neurobiology Lab stands as one of the first, and remains a leader in the field of combining proteostasis and spinal cord trauma. We celebrate the excellence in our faculty.
L to R: David Magnuson, PhD, Scott Whittemore, PhD, Susan Harkema, PhD, and Andrea Behrman, PhD